A document tracking app - A case study

About the project

At the beginning of 2022 I have been approached by two guys, Jirka and Michal, with an idea to create a mobile app for their already existing web based project with the working name "Matuku". It's an application serving as a document folder with smart calendar, warranty expiration reminders, and many more neat functionalities.

The project was not funded, there was no budget and I have decided to take part in it simply because I really liked the idea and the surrounding enthusiasm around building something new that can potentially improve lives.

The goal was simple: create a working mobile app prototype that will maintain some elements of the web app, but will keep it simple and quick.

Research phase

My research was made simple by an already existing pitch deck that Jirka and Michal have created for investors, so I had a nice insight into the business side of things.

Not allowing that to lull me though, I have set off on my own journey in exploring the competition, downloading similar (or completely different) apps, creating documentation with maps of features, functionalities and market sentiment research (reading reviews and articles, subliming the keywords and main ideas), as always I also reached out to people around me and asked them about their opinion about a product like this.

With no budget at all, I had to be resourceful and use whatever material I could get online or around me, and even with the limitations I have put together a solid baseline for what would eventually become the first MVP design.

Wireframes and lo-fi prototype

In this phase I have used Figma to create basic outlines of the app and to get on the same page with the brains behind the application. After several iterations and long hours of talks, we eventually agreed on the shown lo-fi design.

Color schemes

Picking a color scheme was a fun part of the finalization of the hi-fi prototype. I have used Coolors.co to help me with some unconventional color palettes and I'd like to showcase some of the results here.

Final design

The clickable MVP chose simplicity and sleek, slightly embossed design with two key colors - bright green and dark grey on white background. At this phase the project is being pitched to developers who will be taking care of the creation of the MVP.